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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


February was one heck of a month... death in the family, break ups to make ups, and  birthdays. Now that its calm (of course after the storm) questions rise. There's no right or wrong answer because people use their experiences to help others with their situations. Mentally my mind is traveling to all sorts of places. There were days when I didn't know if I was coming or going. I took a mental break from the world and put things into perspective. The answers to my questions are my answers and I don't expect anyone to tell me that my answers are wrong... its the way I see fit for my life. I have people in my life who I could do without but I choose these people in my life because without them I am not me. Believe it or not, that's my choice. The way I see it..... life is like a multiple choice test...depending on how you read the question determines the right answer. Would I rather life give me all the right choices... yes but that's not how you live. You live to learn and you learn to live. I choose happiness and happiness is the way I answer my questions in life.

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