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Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Cleaning

When I was young girl my mom use to say... today we are spring cleaning. Awhhh!!!! The sound of that was just awful... clean out the closets, under the bed, make a pile of the clothes that are too small... " I want your room clean". Now that I am grown I realize that spring cleaning is not just for cleaning up that room ... it's also to clear out all that drama, hate, and  bad choices that has brought you no happiness. You see, I did my spring cleaning yesterday and it feels so good.  I got rid of the old meaning people who didn't want to see me succeed, drama, hate, fake friends, and those clothes that just don't fit anymore....I  scrubbed the walls of my brain and I cleared my mind of anything that just doesn't make sense. I washed the outside of my heart and cleared it from all the pain that it has endured.  I disinfected my entire body from all the bad. Today I am clean - free of it all. This time I am going to clean everyday to make sure nothing piles up on me. That cleaning refreshed my soul and now I know I am way too clean to surround myself with a bunch of mess. Do yourself a favor and start cleaning.

~Be Blessed


Unknown said...


That is a great post and so very true. Cleaning out the old stuff/baggage...Makes room for us to bring in new joy, new blessings, new people, and growth with in ourselves! You can't grow if your living in/under clutter. Removing the clutter will relieve stress, and anxiety, it will help us to live a more balanced life...

This was very well put and I need to do some cleaning of my very own...I started the process at the end of 2009, but I think every year each of us need to do some spring cleaning!

Thanks Kiki! :-)

Unknown said...

Loved your post. It was very well put. I hope more people take the time to do some spring cleaning also.It will make you feel so much better. Mom