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Friday, February 11, 2011

What Makes a Person Happy?

I was on the phone with a friend that I've known practically my whole life ...she talked about some things that was failing in her life.... but with her being newly married, pregnant with her first child, college graduate, and  wonderful career .... I thought she was smooth sailing. Boy was I wrong. We ended the conversation with a promise to get together soon and talk but before the line disconnected I heard her say "I just want to be happy"......

Its crazy because you can look at a person and be around them on a regular basis and not realize that they're unhappy. I know personally I've gone through some rough spots and continue smiling while maintaining positivity. Its pretty scary because you are actually holding in things which makes the situation more difficult.  When thinking about the things I've been through and hearing her stories I ask myself ....what will make me happy? Is it just one thing or is it a few things? How am I sure that what I think will make me happy will actually make me happy? Man, this is deep. I know I have an idea of things but I can't say those things will complete my happiness. Do we want what others have because we think that's what makes us happy? Money, Fame, Popularity, Appearances.... no one says those things will truly make you happy... I've hears that money brings more problems, fame takes away the fortune, popularity makes you miserable and your appearances can make you crazy if you aren't the way you want to be but what others want you to be...

My only answer to the question I ask myself is if you do less pleasing of other people and while ignoring your needs... if  you spend more time keeping up with the "Jones" rather than what you can afford... if you don't keep trying new things and keeping your mind clear of stress/aggravation ... your soul can never be too happy

That's just the way I see it!

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