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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What do you want from me?

I am posting this blog for my readers opinion on a personal issue. Without going behind the scenes and letting you know what the entire situation is I just want you to read this and help me understand what I should do in this situation that has really been bothering me.

The first step in acceptance is understanding that there are some things that you cannot change. I've prayed the Serenity Prayer over and over until I knew what I had to do in my heart.  ("God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to accept the things I can and wisdom to know the difference").

If you know me, you know that I usually go out of my way to make sure people are happy (if I can help it) even if the situation isn't working for me. However, I've learned that some people will never be happy no matter what you present to them. Something sat on my heart all weekend and I cant seem to shake it. I guess because of the person I am I usually go above and beyond to make a situation better but with this situation I feel my hands are tied. I've been told my role was no longer needed and I need to let other parties step up to the plate and not get involved. So my first question is... how am I to respond when that same person calls me in an attempt to get me involved? I am stumped so I just don't answer the phone. Am I wrong to ignore the phone calls???? I've learned that getting myself involved makes me look too involved and based on that, I completely stepped back. I feel that I was made to look like the main problem / issue. I never wanted anyone to feel like they lost control of what they had going on before I came along so I let go and let god. That was my acceptance. I accepted what I couldn't change. I wish things were different but they aren't. So after following the instructions I was given, what do I do???? The only way I know how to allow the "new method" to work is to completely walk away. Is that the best thing to do or do I answer the phone and get involved?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Love My Baby!

I am six months pregnant (23 weeks)  .....time is flying by... my baby girl will be here soon enough. I woke up this morning and walked passed the mirror and to my surprise I look like I am well into my last few weeks of pregnancy. The joy of pregnancy lol . With pregnancy, there's so much to consider, so much to prepare for, and a lot to do ... Whats funny is that I realized that I'm definitely not in this pregnancy alone. I realized that my significant other is the one who is REALLY pregnant. Yeah sure I have this belly and some common effects of pregnancy but I don't do half the stuff he does.... he has been the one with the emotional outbursts over little things, and that he has been constantly snacking/ eating & shhhh but he has a "growing" belly too .... He took all the traits of pregnancy and I am just cool, calm and collective lol .