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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Picture You Paint Can Stain The Heart

I am a single mother and as most single women I have difficulities obtaining help from my son's father. As a mother, I do the very best I can do without his financial support.  I am shocked to learn that not only do women struggle with obtaiing help from their childrens father(s) but they down talk the fathers to the kids. In no way do I feel that is appropriate better yet remotely acceptable. Mothers, children are not your friends... why do you feel you need to talk to them as if they are? Talking to your kids about their dads paint a horrible picture for a child and causes them to be opinionated by the things that you say... be mindful that the things you may not say to them but can be heard by them is a major factor as well. This weekend was a wake up call for me when I saw the attitude of a child who is brainwashed with negativity. It broke my heart. There are a lot of things that I could say about my sons father but  I never have and never will. My son is 10 and he is starting to draw his own conclusions. Thats the way it should be. As a woman... being bitter, childish and uncompromising while raising your kids turns that child into a reflection of you. Raising your kids to think that if they ask for something they should get it turns them into an ungrateful, unresponsible, bitter and later troubled kid. But to literally talk to your child about their other parent (not just moms talking about dads) is harsh and extreme bad parenting and I am completely irritated by it.

Raise your kids with knowledge, hope and positivity. In the end.. they know what you've done on your own and how to feel about the person who did nothing.

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