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Friday, March 25, 2011

Friend or Foe?

By definition a friend is "a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter:" When I look at my circle of "friends" I completely agree with that definition. I don't have many friends and based on that definition I shouldn't. There is a difference between a friend and an associate. Just because we are associates doesn't mean we are friends. Does that make sense? Once you know me you will find that I am a dedicated person who looks out for both friends and associates even strangers. I'm not an individual who feeds off of drama or entertains foolishness because I feel that the world has enough problems than to add more to it. I have had a rough 2011 and all I need in my life are friends. Real friends. You know the kind that don't run over me, embarrass me or belittle me. I need support... the same support I give. I don't need someone talking behind my back or running around  making me look as if I am this monster trapped in my body. You realize this is why I don't have many friends? The ones I have I would love for them to treat me the same as I treat them. With that being said... if I am not an asset to your life or supporter of the things you do in life...I'm probably not your friend... maybe I am an associate, a co-worker or a complete stranger but please don't categorize me as a friend if I am not. Everyone needs dedicated people in their life who they can call no matter what and if I come off as someone who is not any of that... consider me as something else.

*this message was dedicated to people out there who need that one person and probably are depending on the wrong person.

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