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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do you want Love or a Fairy Tale?

Females grow up watching many fairy tales... Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White and the list goes on. Have you ever really paid attention to those fairy tales? There's an underlined message in these stories ... nothing is perfect even fairy tales have flaws. Think about it. All these characters faced some type of challenge before finding true love. These fairy tales only show women that dreams come true with a little bit of patience. In real life that's the same message but its not over in 92 mins. It can take a lifetime. I'm not male bashing but every man comes with a price. A woman is either putting up with their childish ways, fighting with their past or taking care of them. A woman makes a choice... stick with what they have or move on to the next and dig into that mans problems. With that being said, would you rather live a fairy tale or real life? In real life you will have problems, nothing is perfect and you can live happily while working through those issues or you can live a fairy tale and pretend everything is all good and wind up being unhappily ever after.  The choice is yours......

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