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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Your Story.....

Why is it that people can see what is wrong with everyone around them but can never look in the mirror and see where it begins. What's funny to me is people can tell you what's best for your life, how to live your life and why you should walk away from certain people in your life but they can't see that for themselves. I guess I just feel some kind of way about a person lecturing and telling me that my choices are bad choices. Ummmm have you viewed your choices? No one is perfect but I would rather be perfectly imperfect with my own choices. What was a mistake for you and what made you do something different is your life story not mine. So yes I understand people trying to be there and just want me to be happy but what makes you think I'm not? What may seem outlandishly ridiculous to you can be the one and only thing that makes me feel complete. With that being said... view your storybook and see if the pages fit together before you start editing another persons.  I say it all the time "if you want your life to be more rewarding... you have to change the way you think".  Remember that "Life is a book; Every day is a new chapter , and Every year is a new series" but this is your storybook... do what's best for you....

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